Welcome to the new SPIRE psychometrics website!

It is with much excitement that we are pleased to announce the launch of our new company branding and SPIRE website! 2024 has been a busy year so far with Greg Pope joining the SPIRE psychometric team as a partner. Greg P brings over 25 years of work experience in the area of psychometrics and high stakes testing including almost a decade of work as the Director of Examinations for the largest regulator in western Canada. Together the Gregs have established our new corporation and accounting infrastructure, acquired several new clients which have been amazing to work with, and we have worked with fantastic marketing and branding experts Shaleen Ratansi Consulting and WERK MKTG to arrive at new company branding and a new website for our business. As further evidence in support of two Gregs being better than one, we have designed and released our new website which provides more details of our services, a new InSPIRED blog to which we will be posting articles regularly on topics of interest in the field of assessment, and sweet new branding! Stay tuned for more information from us regarding exciting services that will reshape traditional psychometric approaches, thought provoking articles that will stir debate and discussion to help make measurement meaningful, and tips for getting the most out of your psychometric processes. We are happy to take suggestions on topics that would be of interest to our clients so feel free to reach out to us!


Competence from Entry to Practice to across the Career Span


Assessing non-technical competence (or more likely, not)